...has been in full effect this past week. It didn't hurt that it was birthday-weekend-apalooza for Rob.
What down on the farm shindig would be complete without a bonfire... |
...and some homemade wine? |
Next up was a celebration at Firebirds (the wine bottles are a dead give-away). |
Round 3 was ice cream cake... |
...with this little guy. |
Then it was back to the real world of medical appointments. Last week's ultrasound came back with some good news and some we're not sure what that means so we're going to keep poking around news. The tennis ball sized cyst is now more like a golf ball. Which is a good indicator to leave it the heck alone!
But... this scan and first one both showed
adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia.
Endo- what? Super common in
tamoxifen users who have been on the drug 2 or 3 years. For 4 month tamoxifen users like myself, slightly less common. So the hyperplasia can, possibly, sometimes, on occassion be
pre-malignant. And the tamoxifen does double the risk of gynecologic cancers. Now I know
double sounds really big and scarey. But when I say double I mean the average risk for a non-tamoxifen user is 0.5 in 1,000. So 1 in 1,000 doesn't sound all that bad. Particular when the rate of reducing BC recurrence is much higher. So the benefit outweighs the risk. See, it's like saving money buying stuff all over again. But it does mean going in for yet another test at the end of the month. Seriously, the poking and prodding never ceases.
So... I celebrated this with a new pair of sandals... |
...and dinner with Stacey. Where I ate All. The. Sushi. |
I like birthday-weekend-apalooza. We should do it more often!