Sunday, November 11, 2012 this thing on?

Yup, still here. Cleverly disguised as a really lazy blogger. So tomorrow will be the three week anniversary of my surgery and Tuesday will be my first day back to work in as much time. What's new since my last post? Well...

I got to watch Marissa compete in a regional cheer competition. There may be some bias here, but holy crap is she amazing. #soproud

We had dinner with Alyssa and Chris. And made brilliant election predictions. Then I slept through all of the election night coverage. #surpriseme

In an attempt to keep me from going completely stir crazy, Mom took me to see Cloud Atlas. Which I highly encourage everyone go see. Mostly because I have no idea what it was about and need all of you to explain it to me. #whatthehelljusthappened

Rob took me back to Dr. M's for my first saline injection. Which looks a little something like this...
This graphic is slightly inaccurate, in that my tissue expanders are beneath my pecs - stretching muscle. But...we forgot to take pictures at the appointment and this is the best one Google images had to offer. 
...Dr. M injected 40 cc's on each side and has got me scheduled to come back this Thursday for another 40-50 cc's. I was hoping to get rid of both my remaining surgical drains this week, but #2 has still been producing too much fluid. So at almost 3 weeks post-op, I've still got one very annoying drain left. #fingerscrossedthatitcomesoutthisweek

I got to visit - and shop - with Grandma yesterday where her community hosted a holiday bazaar. Also where I got loads of compliments on my haircut. #lovestylishlittleoldladies

And today I made Rob drive almost two hours to look at a bunch of really old rocks. #thatmanmustreallyloveme
Click HERE for our entire album of really old rocks!
Oh, almost forgot! And I received this in the mail...
...I'm gonna give you a minute for this irony of this to sink in. #areyoufrigginkiddingme