Thursday, May 2, 2013

It's only weird if it doesn't work

You know those policy analysis and social justice classes I've been slaving away at? Oh yea, those are D.O.N.E. done. As my social work mentor once said "You come up for air at the end with a Masters degree in one hand and no friends in the other." I figure surfacing for random gasps at a social life here and there is better than nothing. So I plan to spend the next three long, luxurious weeks I have off from academia catching up with all of you. My dance card is wide open!

And how have I celebrated this retreat from mental rigours so far? Well, with another ultrasound, natch. No word yet on what's going on in ovary town. Monday-ish, hopefully, for that. But, as the ultrasound imaging place just so happens to be one-in-the-same as last year's mammogram imaging place, I've made it a special point not to park in the same parking spot or sit in the same waiting room chair as last year. Superstitious? Maybe. But it's only weird if it doesn't work, right?

1 comment:

  1. Kiki,
    Congratulations on your academic success! Best wishes to you! :)
