Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cutest. Blog. Ever.

Nothing much new or exciting to report here. The Spring semester starts tomorrow, so Rob and I spent the weekend in complete denial - by looking for flu shots (no such luck) and playing with our nephew. He and I are in competition over who can grow hair the fastest. I'm winning.
Would you believe this is only 9 lbs of baby?
Oh, and Moxie got a haircut.

 Babies and puppies, could this blog get any cuter? Make it a great week, everyone!

UPDATE 1/14/13:  Okay. So yesterday was my 4 month done-with-chemo-versary and you all totally let me forget it. Seriously, you're slipping. Try not to let it happen again.


  1. Ladies look out, it's starting to look like little Anthony might be a ginger!

  2. Looking forward to catching up with you this semester!

  3. Oh, shoot! I just saw this doesn't put my name on it. Should have said: "Looking forward to catching up with you this semester. Hugs and grins, Celia."
