Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello there! With a wandering attention span I just managed to wrap up two days of Advanced Excel training class (jealous much?) The good news... now I know how to create drop-down menus in Excel (again, jealous much?). The bad news... it was a Two. Day. Class. Functions and Pivot Tables and Arrays, oh my!

And now I'm headlong into developing a lecture on Social Contract Theory. Because after nine or so months of kicking major cancer ass, it seemed like a good idea to ease on back into grad school with a doctoral level class. Also, it seemed like a good idea to my university to take a handful of Masters candidates, throw in a few PhD candidates, shake 'em up in a Social Justice class and watch what happens. What could possibly go wrong, right?Well, so far so good anyway.

But all of that is really just to say there's my excuse for not blogging in a while. Not because I haven't been inundated with tons of fabulously exciting things to tell you about, but just because... well... I've been busy! And busy with non-cancer stuff. Which is pretty flippin' awesome.

Of course I can't speak too quickly, because tomorrow is a check up with the medical oncologist. Apparently this will be our quarterly routine from now until... I have no idea when actually. I'm guessing she'll want to take a peak at the echocardiogram I had done two weeks ago (another routine quarterly) and talk about how life on tamoxifen is treating me. I don't at all mind the pimples and hotflashes from tamoxifen - said no one ever.

1 comment:

  1. Always delighted to hear your take on life, school, and hot flashes. I'm thinking a colorful fan with sequins is in your very near future.

