Today isn't actually the anniversary of anything. But tomorrow is. And that's close enough. So.....
On this day one year ago tomorrow (yea, you try doing that math) I had a busy day planned. I was scheduled for my first ever mammogram. And I was preparing for Comps. Comps? you say. Yes, Comps.
Comps (short for Comprehensive Exam) is the bain of every foundation year MSW student's existence. It's a 3 day exam testing your knowledge of everything you've learned in your foundation year. Or, in my case, foundation two years. It's kind of a big deal. If Comps were a t-shirt, it would look like this...
But I was ready. For both tests. My appendix, however, had other plans. It decided we needed to start seeing other people. Namely, the emergency room surgeon. That's right, my completely worthless organ abandoned me. It was all it's not you, it's me and I was all I know!
Needless to say, I did not make it to my mammogram that day. Or to Comps. Fortunately I was able to reschedule both.
And in other news...
Gratuitous adorable baby photo! |