Thursday, October 18, 2012

Time flies when you're

And by fun, I mean cancer... which isn't fun at all. It's the exact opposite of fun. Seriously, cancer sucks. But time does fly. That occurred to me as Rob and I were driving home from my pre-op appointment with the reconstructive surgeon and I realized that today is my six month cancerversary. That's right, I was diagnosed 6 months ago today.

In honor of that, and in honor of all of you who have kept truckin' right along with me, this milestone calls for a little Dead. 
What a looooooong strange trip, indeed. I'll have more for you tomorrow about what the surgeon said and next week's day o' surgery. For tonight? It's time for me to go eat this and watch Up All Night.
Maybe I'll share some of this with Rob. Maybe.


  1. Keep up the good spirits ya!

  2. Hang in there, warrior! The old IB gang is rooting for ya!
