Friday, May 11, 2012

The funny thing about chemo

Well it's been kinda quiet here on the blogger front. Mostly because I don't really have anything new and exciting for you, and partly because I started my new job this week and have been asleep by 9 each night.

I do have a few appointments scheduled for next week. A dental cleaning, because they recommend fixin' yo' grill before chemo (and because it was already scheduled 6 months in advance.) A follow up with the doc who put in my port, to make sure I haven't been main-lining vodka through it (vodka is sterile, right?). PS - this thing still frickin' hurts after a week and has left an awesome green bruise. And an echocardiogram. The funny thing about chemo is... the docs require lots and lots of tests to make sure you're healthy enough for them to start poisoning you.

Other than routine bloodwork (to make sure my white blood cell counts haven't nose-dived), that should be the last of the testing for now. Then I'm looking forward to the COSC Conference right around the corner (helloooooo San Diego) followed by Kristen and Ryan's wedding (what happens in Vegas...).

Then chemo is scheduled to start on the 31st of May.

I'll be on a 3-week cycle and will receive my treatment calendar at the first appointment. I'm only permitted one supporter at a time, so for everyone who has offered to give Rob a break and come pass the time with me...
  1. You're awesome, thank you so much.
  2. I'll post the calendar as soon as I have it.
  3. In chemo class we were told to bring snacks for our supporters. But I've decided that since I'm providing the poison, you can provide the snacks.
Until then, have a great weekend! We're off to Sugar Loaf, MD tomorrow for a wedding ('tis the season) and brunch on Sunday for Mother's Day. But first! Dinner with the Cantrells at The Bavarian Chef... which I'm pretty sure is German for OMG Yum!

Also kinda like the Swedish Chef... but throws things a lot less.
Have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!


  1. The internet tells me that "people undergoing chemotherapy require extra protein and calories" so I plan to bring a big tub of lard.

  2. That will nicely compliment my all-bacon diet! Also, bring your ukelele. I hear sick people love them some uke!
